Sweet Potato Latkes & Arugula Salad


This past week, I’ve been on a bit of an arugula salad kick. I was never much of a fan of arugula, preferring baby spinach or romaine for my greens. However, I’ve grown to really love it (especially this salad recipe), and arugula, it turns out, loves you right back. Arugula is actually in the cruciferous family along with broccoli, cabbage and other sulfur-rich veggies. These sulfur-containing compounds, called sulforaphanes, are what are thought to give cruciferous vegetables their cancer-fighting properties. Arugula may also enhance oxygenation of muscles during exercise because of their nitrates, which get converted to nitric oxide. Arugula is also a very good source of Vitamins A, K and C, and folate. In a word, arugula is a superstar! I hope you give this salad of arugula, apple, avocado, green onion, pistachio and fig goat cheese a try 🙂

Sweet potatoes are another nutrition powerhouse, and I was looking for something new to try as we were growing weary of our slow-cooker “loaded” sweet potatoes. Inspired by a recipe for squash pancakes, I thought I would take elements of my favourite soup recipe (onion, curry….) and turn them into a latke. Grating the sweet potato allows you to make the latkes without having to pre-cook the sweet potatoes which saves time. I elected to sautĂ© the onion prior to adding to the sweet potato mixture, but, in the interest of saving time, you could easily bypass this step. I also elected to add “chia eggs” in addition to 2 eggs –  farm fresh, free-run and organic of course 😉

Arugula Salad with Fig Goat Cheese

Several generous handfuls of washed arugula
1/2 – 1 avocado
1 apple – thinly sliced
1 – 3 green onions – chopped
1/4 cup chopped pistachios
1/3 of a small package of fig goat’s cheese – break in to small pieces

Assemble above ingredients and dress with desired amount of dressing….see below


1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 teaspoon Dijon mustard
1 teaspoon maple syrup
1/8 teaspoon salt

Whisk above ingredients together and add as desired to salad.
Sweet Potato Latkes

2 sweet potatoes – scrubbed (peel if not organic) and grated/shredded hand held or food processor
1/2 cup chopped onion – sautĂ© if time permits
2 eggs
1 tablespoon chia seeds + 3 tablespoons water – let sit for 15 – 20 minutes
1 teaspoon curry powder
1/4 cup flour
1 teaspoon maple syrup
2 teaspoons tamari
1/2 teaspoon salt
Coconut oil for sautéing, and for lightly pan-frying latkes

Combine ingredients well. Scoop 1/2 cup amounts of mixture and gently pan fry in coconut oil over medium heat. Approximately 5 minutes per side.

Serve with chipotle mayo, apple sauce or other favourite topping.