Easy Energy Balls

We enjoyed these healthy treats at our most recent workshop. They’re super quick to make and can really satisfy your sweet tooth (or, in my case, teeth!).

You can easily adapt this recipe to be dairy, nut, gluten and sugar free. We made two versions for the workshop: one with semi sweet chocolate chips and peanut butter, and one with raw cacao nibs (therefore sugar and dairy-free) and almond butter. By substituting a seed butter for a nut butter, you can also make these nut-free. We used gluten-free oats for both versions.

The first batch I experimented with we found quite dry. For round 2 we added 2 tablespoons of melted coconut oil. If you’re wishing to cut down on fats, you may wish to omit the added coconut oil. They still taste great; they’re just a little crumbly.

These keep well in the freezer, so you may want to make up a double batch to have some on hand, especially with back-to-school on the horizon!

Easy Epeanut butter energy ballsnergy Balls

1 cup pitted dates
1/4 cup nut or seed butter of choice
2 tablespoons coconut oil – warmed to liquid
1 tablespoon chia seeds
1/4 cup mini chocolate chips or raw cacao nibs (we used Harmonic Arts cacao nibs)
1 teaspoon vanilla
1/4 teaspoon salt
2/3 cup gluten free oats

Using a food processor, process dates until they start to form a pasty ball. In a separate bowl, combine oats, cacao nibs or chips, chia seeds and salt. Mix well. Add coconut oil, vanilla and nut/seed butter to dates and process well. Add oat mixture and continue to process until well combined…you will likely have to scrape down the sides of the processor bowl. Mixture should hold together when lightly pinched. Roll into balls (should make 14 – 18) and place on parchment or wax paper lined plate. Set in fridge until firm. Store in sealed container in fridge for up to a week, or in freezer for up to a month…if they last that long!