Recipe creation in my house usually looks like this: I have a vague idea of what I would like to make, and I couple that with what I have on hand. Other times, the creation hinges on a particular ingredient that I would like to...

Kale has been the darling of the "leafy green vegetable" world, and for good reason. It's hearty, nutrient-dense and can tolerate harsh growing conditions. Having said that, kale is not the only green in town. Swiss Chard is also a hearty green absolutely loaded with...

We have beans. An awful lot of beans. Let's just say there was a wee misunderstanding when I was asked to bring in organic, canned beans. So if the next 57 newsletters happen to feature recipes featuring beans, you won't be surprised. As with most of...

I thank Dianne for the inspiration for these quinoa burgers. She casually mentioned planning to make some, so I thought I would follow suit. These were pretty tasty, and my discerning taste-testing team gave them a hearty "2-thumbs up". The recipe is a tad "scavenger"...

So do you ever feel we're trading one problem for another? We get so fearful of germs that we willingly lather our bodies with harmful chemicals that, in the longterm, may be more detrimental...

At the risk of dating myself, quinoa is to millet as Marcia is to Jan. It's "quinoa quinoa quinoa" all the time. You'd think there was no other seed/grain worthy of considering. While I love quinoa, and use it regularly, you might want to consider adding...

Like most recipes I create or alter, it's a combination of what I have on hand and what I have a hankering for. My son Ben has madly been creating in the kitchen lately, and we had half a can of full fat coconut milk...

The inspiration for this recipe came from Mother Earth Living magazine. I loved the idea of making edible bowls out of roasted squash. I experimented with melted coconut oil, balsamic vinegar and honey to make a nice glaze for the squash. I used a higher...

I've been known to enjoy chocolate. Enjoy it so much I experiment with homemade and often raw options. Most raw chocolate recipes rely heavily on coconut oil which is good and good for you; however, it can quickly melt and be messy to eat. Not...

You know me and my potions. At least once a day, someone will ask me, "What are you drinking NOW?" with a mix of curiosity and amusement. Not to disappoint, I thought I would experiment with yet another miracle elixir. Having a history of low iron,...

I think you'll like these. Yesterday morning, I felt like playing in the kitchen and creating yet another "energy ball". There's something so satisfying about dumping a bunch of healthy things in the food processor and ending up with a delicious and nutritious treat in...

Oh this was not only pretty, but really tasty! Pigment-rich foods make me happy - not only for their visual impact but because I know they're generously loaded with goodness...