01 Mar Easy Avocado Bean Salad
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in Recipes
This all started with beans. Canned beans, to be exact. You see, while I love the convenience of canned beans, I don’t like the fact that many companies use cans with yucky BPA liners, and they also typically don’t use organic beans. Discussing this with some friends, I enthusiastically “over purchased” an embarrassingly large amount of beans. Turns out, my friends weren’t quite as keen, and they didn’t think a coffee table made of stacked cases of beans would suit their decor. Darn. The upside (there’s always an upside) is that it’s given me motivation to use these suckers up. Trolling the internet the other week, I came across this great sounding recipe that used garbanzo beans (the only type I DON’T have right now), avocado, spinach and lemon. I really wish I knew who first created this recipe as I would like to give them due credit. Since I couldn’t find the recipe, and knowing that I didn’t have garbanzo beans OR spinach, I thought I would come up with my own version taking lots of creative liberties. This turned out really well, and made enough to feed Robb, myself and Dan. If you’re not feeding Dan, this recipe could easily feed four. We served it with some nice lightly grilled cheesy flatbread. Delish!
Avocado-Bean Salad 2 1/2 smallish avocados (Dan ate the other 1/2) Using a fork, or small blender, blend the avocado, garlic and lemon juice until smooth. Fold in the rinsed beans. Add to bowl of greens, chives, onion, basil and tomato. Toss well and enjoy! |