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Oh how I loved those sesame crisp candies when I was growing up. Not only did you risk breaking your teeth, but once softened, they stuck to your teeth and yanked out fillings...

Wishing for a departure from my traditional smoothie for breakfast, I've been experimenting with chia pudding. Chia is a remarkable seed, jam-packed with nutrients, and it is incredibly versatile. Due to its neutral taste and ability to "gel", it's often used as a thickening or...

Oh my goodness we adore date squares. Robb likes to conduct "research" by visiting bakeries and testing out date squares (and butter tarts I might add) in efforts to find "the one". It's a tough job, I know, but one he bravely and tenaciously takes...

I'm writing this as I enjoy a nice, warm cup of Holy Basil tea, and I can't help but think that I never would have thought that I'd be sharing a soup recipe in the middle of May! Climate change sure is bringing us tumultuous...

Kale has been the darling of the "leafy green vegetable" world, and for good reason. It's hearty, nutrient-dense and can tolerate harsh growing conditions. Having said that, kale is not the only green in town. Swiss Chard is also a hearty green absolutely loaded with...

I thank Dianne for the inspiration for these quinoa burgers. She casually mentioned planning to make some, so I thought I would follow suit. These were pretty tasty, and my discerning taste-testing team gave them a hearty "2-thumbs up". The recipe is a tad "scavenger"...

So do you ever feel we're trading one problem for another? We get so fearful of germs that we willingly lather our bodies with harmful chemicals that, in the longterm, may be more detrimental...

Like most recipes I create or alter, it's a combination of what I have on hand and what I have a hankering for. My son Ben has madly been creating in the kitchen lately, and we had half a can of full fat coconut milk...

I've been known to enjoy chocolate. Enjoy it so much I experiment with homemade and often raw options. Most raw chocolate recipes rely heavily on coconut oil which is good and good for you; however, it can quickly melt and be messy to eat. Not...

Those who eat a largely plant-based diet are frequently asked "How do you get your protein?" by well-intentioned enquirers. It's really not as hard as you may think. We've become so accustomed to the misconception that protein can only come from animals. However, many vegetables...

Recipe creation largely comes from two sources: (1) standing in front of the fridge or pantry and creating something with whatever I have on hand; or (2) being inspired by an existing product or recipe and wondering if I can make it better in any...

Sage is one of the few surviving herbs in my sadly neglected garden this year. Despite my best intentions, my garden is really more of a "survival of the fittest and hardiest". Seems somewhat akin to characters in Lord of the Flies...